02. Video + Text: What's Ahead?

What's Ahead

You already can do a ton with Tableau to explore a dataset. The ideas in this lesson will help you with tackling a dataset for the first time and putting your final products together.

There are five purposes of this lesson before you move onto your project and complete your Tableau journey here at Udacity.

  1. We have been working with a single dataset, but it is important you can feel comfortable with lots of different types of data, so you will gain that practice in this lesson.

  2. You will learn about dashboards, which allow you to analyze multiple sheets all at the same time. And even build filters that act over all the sheets at once.

  3. You will combine items 1 and 2 above to create dashboards for some new datasets. Don’t worry, we will do this together to build your confidence. That way you get some practice for you tackle the project.

  4. You will learn about stories, a feature of tableau that allows you to link together your worksheets in dashboards to give an audience a well rounded grasp of your insights.

  5. Finally, we will point you to some additional resources for you to continue learning and keep your Tableau skills fresh.

You will be using a few new datasets to complete the questions in this lesson, so they are provided in the Resources tab.